MaiMai app on iOS and Android

MaiMai is a progressive web app built with the latest web technologies to make our website feel like a native app. You can take this one step further by setting up MaiMai on your mobile device. This shortcut allows you to access your dashboard without opening a browser, much like a real mobile app.

This is available on the following operating systems:

  • iOS (Safari)
  • Android (Chrome)

iOS (Safari)

  1. Log in to and go to Orders.
  2. Click on the share icon at the bottom of Safari's menu bar.

  3. Click on "Add to Home Screen".

  4. A dialog will pop up asking you to name the shortcut. Name the shortcut "MaiMai" and click on "Add".

  5. Click on the MaiMai app on your home screen.
  6. Log in with your credentials.
  7. Click on the MaiMai shortcut on your home screen whenever you want to access your dashboard.

Android (Chrome)

  1. Log in to and go to Orders.
  2. Click on the triple-dot icon in Chrome's menu bar.

  3. Click on "Add to Home Screen"

  4. A dialog will pop up asking you to name the shortcut. Name the shortcut "MaiMai" and click on "Add".

  5. Click on the MaiMai shortcut on your home screen whenever you want to access your dashboard.
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