Setting up your Payout Method

Payouts refer to your earnings from automated payments made by your customers to MaiMai. For example: your customer makes a payment method via Credit/Debit card. We automatically verify the payment for you, and send it to the account provided via Bank Transfer.

Here is how to receive payouts from automated payments:

Step 1: Head to your payout setting on the navigation panel

Step 2: Enter your bank details for MaiMai to transfer the payout and Click "Save".

*Note: You are unable to open your store unless you have setup your payout method!

Also, if you are selling as a business, the business must be registered in the same country. Having a bank account based in another country will not, unfortunately, allow us to pay you out to that bank account

The account review process

For our review, we require your account to be legitimate in two major ways:

  1. You comply with both MaiMai's terms and those of our payment processors.
  2. Your account is not racking up chargebacks and suspicious purchases.

The review process can take 1-3 weeks depending on your sales and the data we can analyze. You cannot speed up the review process by purchasing your own product. Payment processors view purchasing your own products as fraudulent, and this can get you suspended or permanently banned. If you just want to test your product, please use the test purchase feature.

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